Smooth Out Disturbances in the Sea of Energy That You Live In

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Choose Happiness
Stub only: Communication
Stub only: Energize and Use Your Chakras
Intro written: Enhance All of Life with Inner Silence
Stub only: Think Beyond Your Normal Perspective

Exercise Details

Duration = 15 minutes.
Difficulty = 60/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To energetically handle and resolve wounds, anger, and separation in your life in a positive manner when your ability to tune in to cosmic energy is blocked by negativity.
  2. To release habitual blockages in the flow of chi energy in your body, aura, and life by telepathically sending positive energy to yourself, other people, and your surroundings.
  3. To improve your relationships with people in your life--including yourself--by establishing a habit of appreciating and acknowledging their value both telepathically and verbally.
Image courtesy of: h.koppdelaney / Hartwig HKD || Original Image || Flickr Profile || H.Kopp-Delaney Website